On Rip-Off Wednesdays, I steal someone else's idea and translate it into an ipost.
1. Go outside.
2. Look up at the sky.
3. Make a photograph of the sky.
4. Email photos to ipostupost (@) gmail.com. List exactly where and when photos were made.
This is a rip-off of artist David Horvitz, but rather than look at the sky where he is, we want to see it where you are.
This will be an ongoing project, so keep sending skies and they will be posted as they are received.
* * *
Bath, ME, USA on 5.21.08 at 5:25pm EST by Chris Lajoie
Cambridge, MA, USA on 5.1.08 at 8:31pm EST by Hannah J Barth
Portland, OR, USA on 4.30.08 at 6:23pm PST by Michael Buchino
Bath, ME, USA on 4.30.08 at 7:06pm EST by Chris Lajoie
Boston, MA, USA on 4.30.08 at 5:22pm EST by Jordan Harrison
Boston, MA, USA on 4.30.08 at 5:22pm EST by Jordan Harrison
Portland, ME, USA on 4.30.08 at 4:58pm EST by Matt Lajoie
Boston, MA, USA on 4.30.08 at 4:43pm by Caroline Lorenz
Palo Alto, CA, USA on 4.30.08 at 1:42pm PST by Naomi Chamblin
Washington DC, USA on 4.30.08 at 4:36pm EST by James Knuckles
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia by Todd Forsgren
Beverly, MA, USA on 4.30.08 at 2:55pm EST by Tung Trinh
Watertown, MA, USA on 4.30.08 at 1:33pm EST by Hannah J Barth
Portland, OR, USA on 4.30.08 at 8:17am PST by Michael Buchino
Norwood, MA, USA on 4.30.08 at 10:00am EST by Jordan Harrison
San Diego, CA, USA on 4.29.08 at 9:43pm PST by Steve Franklin
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Rip-Off Wednesday #9: Shoot the Sky

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
A Boy Named Sue
Everybody has an "I was almost named..." story. Please post your alternative baby name story along with a name remix (take the letters from that other name and rearrange them to make a new baby name).
Congratulations, C & S!
PS. Bonus points for combining your parents' first names and then last names to make hilarious baby names. Here's a bad example: Brangelina Joliett.

Monday, April 28, 2008
Mad Libs Mondays Sing Langston
In order to complete this mad lib, fill in the appropriate words in the spaces and click "Create Story." In some places, you will have to repeat the same word. For instance, you should put the same verb in every time you see "Verb 1." If blanks just say "Adjective," a different adjective should be used each time. Post your created story as a comment.
Scroll down to find the forms.

Friday, April 25, 2008
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
In the spirit of Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky," today we are going to collaboratively create an ongoing nonsense poem.
Here are the rules:
1. The rhyme scheme is ABAB / CDCD / EFEF / etc.
2. Each line must contain at least one word that is nonsensical.
3. Post one line at a time.
We will begin with the line from "Jabberwocky" that is the title of this post. Use it as a jumping off point to create characters and a story line and keep coming back to add on to the growing poem.

Thursday, April 24, 2008
A Question of Etiquette: Do I Give You the Ass or the Crotch?
In Fight Club, the narrator speaks of "single-serving friends," people that one meets in a situation where all food is served for a single person (usually in some sort of shrink wrap), such as on a plane, a train, or in a hospital.
Please describe (preferably in an artistic manner) the most memorable single-serving buddy you've encountered.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Rip-Off Wednesday #8: This ism, that ism...Googlism?
On Rip-Off Wednesdays, I steal someone else's idea and translate it into an ipost.
Today, we will kinda sorta rip off a certain marketing campaign that is infamous for its bracelets and pose the following question: WWGD? or What would Google do?
ipost | upost is not the first to pose this question (in fact, I just read about someone who is writing a book with that exact title), but we might be the first to solicit your thoughts on the subject.
Please post things that Google might be able to make easier for you, things they can improve upon, or just general thoughts about the company.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Who said that?
Please post any quote attributed to Anonymous and then attribute it to someone we might know. Click on the anonymous link, choose a page, scroll down, and go with the first quote you read.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Mad Libs Mondays Get Fired Up
Mad Libs Mondays are back with a vengeance, with a score to settle, and without any boxers under our skirts.
upost: What?
ipost: Do the madlib and you'll understand...maybe).
In order to complete this madlib, fill in the appropriate words in the spaces and click "Create Story." In some places, you will have to repeat the same word over and over. For instance, you should put the same verb in every time you see verb1, and a different verb every time you see verb2. Then post your created story as a comment.
Scroll down to find the forms.

Friday, April 18, 2008
If they weren't dead, we'd kill Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Today we are going to play a game of Questions. If you are not familiar with the rules, please click on the link to read them. We will leave out the hesitation rule because it doesn't apply, but otherwise, all rules are in effect.
Our game will be continuous, so if a player fouls, we will just continue from the last proper question. Refresh the page right before you post to make sure that you're looking at the most recent post.

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Whoa! Easy, fella.
Make up names for the private parts of former lovers (real or imaginary). Maybe they then have a conversation with your naughty bits. Allow us to listen in.
Be brave on this one. It'll be fun.
PS. You can always post as Anon.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Rip-Off Wednesday #7: You're sitting on a goldmine, Trebek
On Rip-Off Wednesdays, I steal someone else's idea and translate it into an ipost.
Today, we will rip off the classic tv game show Jeopardy, in which the host supplies an answer and the contestants respond with the question.
Please post an answer and/or questions for other people's answers. Answers can have multiple questions, which should be as creative as possible.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I struggle the most with the titles.
Please post something you have learned about yourself recently.

Monday, April 14, 2008
Mad Libs Mondays are on vacation...
but if they weren't on vacation for this week, it would have been a mad lib based on a lullaby. Instead, please post your own really disturbing lullaby.

Friday, April 11, 2008
I'm James Frey....Oh, and I'm Margaret B. Jones too.
Write a little note to the alumni magazine (of your high school/college/imaginary place you told your mom you were learning at) designed to maximize their embarrassment at having you as a student. It can be fictional or real.

Thursday, April 10, 2008
For sale: baby shoes, never worn.
Ernest Hemingway was once famously challenged: write a story in six words. The post's title was his response.
Pick a story we'll know well. A movie, book, poem, or song. Post your own six-word version. Don't tell us what it is. Others guess until they get it. Confirm if it's on the nose. Maybe help when we're completely lost?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Rip-Off Wednesday #6: Classified Under "Strange"
On Rip-Off Wednesdays, I steal someone else's idea and translate it into an ipost.
Today we will rip-off Best of Craigslist by creating a ridiculous Craigslist ad (of any kind) and posting it as a comment, sort of like this one, created for April Fool's Day.
Mad bonus points for actually posting it on Craigslist.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Itsy Bitsy Zoo
If you could shrink any animal down to a fraction of its size to keep as a pet, what animal would it be and what would you rename it?
Thanks to TTT for the ipost.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Mad Libs Mondays Eat You Out of House and Home (blanks)
*New format for Mad Libs Mondays!*
Every Monday, ipost a mad libs list, but now, you no longer have to wait until tomorrow to post your completed Mad Lib. Yay!
When you are done writing your own words next to the numbers below, copy your list and click on the link below that says "previous ipost" in order to view the original mad lib. You can then complete the mad lib by substituting your words for the blanks. The number for each blank will help you substitute them correctly.
1. Past tense verb
2. Plural noun
3. Noun
4. Verb ending with "ing"
5. Daily event
6. Verb
7. Adjective
8. Adjective
9. Adjective

Mad Libs Mondays Eat You Out of House and Home
Post a comment to complete the mad lib by substituting your words for the blanks.
* * *
This is Just to Say
I have [1]
the [2]
that were in
the [3]
and which
you were probably
for [5]
[6] me
they were [7]
so [8]
and so [9]
- Bill Carlos Bills

Friday, April 4, 2008
Poetry? Oh noetry!
Please post a Clerihew about a friend or someone well-known (see link for examples). Use the person's name to create the rhyme in the first couplet. If you post about friends, send them a link to show that you were thinking about them.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Q & A Sesh
Today, there will be a question and answer session in the comments section. Please post questions of any kind and/or responses to other people's questions.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Rip-Off Wednesday #5: Responds to "Xerxes"
On Rip-Off Wednesdays, I steal someone else's idea and translate it into an ipost.
Inspired by the piece of awesomeness below, please make your own pseudo lost & found poster* about how awesome your stuff is.
*If you want to include an image in your poster, you can email it to ipostupost (at) gmail (dot) com. In fact, you can send the whole poster and I will post it for you. Or you can just post a blurb about something of yours that is awesome (as usual).
* * *
From Hannah:
Please don't take this cat. Although he's got giant bug-eyes to bat at you and enormous furry ears to listen to all your stories and woes, you really shouldn't take him. He has jagged claws that will rip your furniture and carpets apart. His eyes leak a sort of brown goo, which is very endearing, but gross when it gets on your shirt. His cry is piercing and although he'll cuddle with you at night, he'll howl in the morning until you feed him.
Okay? So, please don't take this cat when he escapes from my apartment. Just bring him back.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
¿looɟ ǝɥʇ s,oɥʍ?
¿looɟ ǝɥʇ sʍolloɟ oɥʍ ǝuo ǝɥʇ ɹo 'looɟ ǝɥʇ :looɟ ɹǝƃƃıq ǝɥʇ sı oɥʍ
:uoıʇsǝnb sıɥʇ ɹǝʍsuɐ oʇ ǝlqɐ ǝq ll,ǝʍ ǝqʎɐɯ
˙ǝsuodsǝɹ ɐ ʇsodı puɐ uoıʇsǝnb ɹo 'ǝƃuǝllɐɥɔ 'ʇsǝnbǝɹ ɐ ʇsodn 'ʎɐpoʇ
¡ʇsodı | ʇsodn oʇ ǝɯoɔlǝʍ
* * *
If you would like to find the original story for yesterday's Mad Libs post, see Mad Libs Mondays dont punctuate (right(. Be sure to post your completed Mad Lib with all the substituted words in place in the comments section.