Every Monday, ipost a mad libs list. To play, upost a comment with all your own words next to the numbers below. Tomorrow, I will post the original and you can complete the mad lib by substituting your words for the blanks. The number for each blank will help you substitute them correctly. For this post, when you substitute your words, be sure to preserve the lack of spaces and strange punctuation. After all, it is not ee cummings.
1. Plural Noun
2. Verb
3. Time of Day
4. Noun
5. Verb
6. Verb
7. Different way of saying #3
8. Adjective
9. Adjective
10. Plural Noun
* * *
if you like my [1] let them
[2] in the [3],a little behind you
then people will say
"Along this road i saw a [4] [5]
on her way to [6] her lover(it was
toward [7])with [8] and [9] [10]."
-not ee cummings
Monday, March 31, 2008
Mad Libs Mondays dont punctuate (right(
Friday, March 28, 2008
Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
Please post a picture that instantly makes you happier the moment you look at it.
There are 2 options for how to do this:
1) Simply post a comment that includes a link to an image, or
2) Send your image or a link for the image to ipostupost (at) gmail (dot) com and I will post it for you. Include your name (unless you would rather remain anon), photo credit (if necessary), and any writing you would like to accompany the image.
* * *
From Kiki:
Kiki, photoshopped with Buster Keaton in a promotional picture for his 1921 film, The Goat. Nerd.
* * *
From Kaitlyn:
That first one is for TTT, who loves cats more than anything in the whole wide world.
* * *
From Jordan:
* * *
From Ellie:
It makes me laugh out loud every time i see it! Like, even if I look away for a second and then look back at it!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
O, you acrostiverbalists, Part 2: Politics
Please post an acrostic poem using the letters of either BEIJING or OLYMPICS.
In your poem, please express your opinion as to whether the United States (or any country) should consider boycotting the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing due to alleged human rights violations enacted by China upon Tibet.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Rip-Off Wednesday #4: Make Like a Pogo
On Rip-Off Wednesdays, I steal someone else's idea and translate it into an ipost.
Today, I am borrowing the format of Boing Boing, which calls itself "a directory of wonderful things." Please post a blurb about the last thing you can remember that you saw, found, or experienced that you thought was worth sharing with everyone you know. Post a link if you can find your wonderful thing online.
Monday, March 24, 2008
If I was Peter Piper, I'd pick your peck.
Please post an alliterative pick-up line. Every word need not begin with the same letter, but should rely somewhat heavily on alliteration.
Thanks to AH for today's ipost.
* * *
If you would like to find the original story for yesterday's Mad Libs post, see Mad Libs Mondays Get Apocalyptic. Feel free to post your completed Mad Lib with all the substituted words in place in the comments section.
Mad Libs Mondays Get Apocolyptic
Every Monday, ipost a mad libs list. If you still want to play, you can find the list of blanks for which you will supply words (see the special notes before you begin). Otherwise, below that you will find the original story and where your words should be substituted for the originals. The number for each blank will help you substitute them correctly.
* * *
1. Noun*
2. Noun*, opposite of 1 would work well
3. Verb
4. Past Tense Verb
5. Noun*, rhymes with 1
6. Verb
7. Verb
8. Verb
9. Number of times 8 occurs, rhymes with 2
10. Verb
11. Noun*
12. Noun*
13. Adjective, rhymes with 11
14. Verb, rhymes with 2
*Special Notes: 1) All nouns in this mad lib are plural in that they can follow the word "some," as in "We will get some wind and some rain today." 2) Although following the rhyme scheme will make your mad lib even better, it's not absolutely necessary.
* * *
"[1] and [2]" not by Robert Frost
Some say the world will [3] in [1],
Some say in [2].
From what I've [4] of [5]
I [6] with those who [7] [1].
But if it had to [8] [9],
I think I [10] enough of [11]
To say that for [12] [2]
Is also [13]
And would [14].
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Beautify this blog
Create a banner for ipost | upost and we may choose to display it for a week (the banner is the title at the top of the blog). Any kind of art is welcome (ie. oil paint, decoupage, bad, etc). The only rule is that it must say 'ipost upost' in some form. We recommend that banners be 900 pixels wide, less than 450 pixels high, and under 100KB. It's fun to break the rules, but sometimes it just doesn't look as good.
Please email banners or other images to ipostupost (at) gmail (dot) com.
* * *The Banner Museum
Please do not touch the art.
Created by phottto. Posted 8.10.08 - 8.17.08.
Created by Michael Buchino. Photography by Ryan McGinley.
Posted 8.03.08 - 8.10.08.
Created by phottto. Posted 7.27.08 - 8.03.08.
Created by Michael Buchino. Posted 7.20.08 - 7.27.08.
Created by phottto. Posted 7.13.08 - 7.20.08.
Created by Michael Buchino. Posted 7.6.08 - 7.13.08.
Created by Michael Buchino. Posted 6.29.08 - 7.6.08.
Created by phottto. Posted 6.22.08 - 6.29.08.
Created by Michael Buchino. Posted 6.15.08 - 6.22.08.
Created by phottto. Posted 6.8.08 - 6.15.08.
Created by Michael Buchino. Posted 6.1.08 - 6.8.08.
Created by phottto. Posted 5.26.08 - 6.1.08.
Created by phottto. Posted 5.18.08 - 5.26.08.
Created by Hannah J Barth. Posted 5.11.08 - 5.18.08.
Created by Michael Buchino. Posted 4.27.08 - 5.11.08.
Created by phottto. Posted 4.20.08 - 4.27.08.
Created by Matt Sitkowski. Posted 4.13.08 - 4.20.08.
Created by phottto. Posted 4.6.08 - 4.13.08.
Created by Michael Buchino. Posted 3.30.08 - 4.6.08.
Created by Amy Hardy. Posted 3.23.08 - 3.30.08.
Created by Michael Buchino. Posted 3.16.08 - 3.23.08.
Created by Kyle Geiste. Posted 2.29.08 - 3.16.08.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I'm blowin' up
If you would like to contact ipost | upost with suggestions, comments, images, or banners, please email them to ipostupost (at) gmail (dot) com. This is a collaborative project, so all suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Dear Readers Who Don't Post....
Please post a letter to a frustration, trouble, or bad experience you have had recently.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
We've got 5 years.
Today is the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq by US armed forces. According to estimates, the amount that the US has spent on the war thus far is approximately $504 billion. According to estimates of current US population, there are approximately 304 million people in the country. That means that for every American, $1,657 were spent on the Iraq War. What would you have done with your money?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Rip-Off Wednesday #3: Stuff Bloggers Like
On Rip-Off Wednesdays, I steal someone else's idea and translate it into an ipost.
For Rip-Off Wednesday #3, based on your expert knowledge of the internets, please post things that hardcore bloggers (let's call them blarcissists...yes, I just coined that word) like, ala Stuff White People Like.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
O trespass sweetly urged!
Describe a kiss (a good one or a not-so-good one) as if it was something else entirely.
* * *
If you would like to find the original story for yesterday's Mad Libs post, see Irish I were drunk on Mad Libs Mondays. Feel free to post your completed Mad Lib with all the substituted words in place in the comments section.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Irish I were drunk on Mad Libs Mondays.
Every Monday, ipost a mad libs list, which you can respond to by posting a comment with the appropriate words. Below, you will find the original story and where your words should be substituted for the originals. If you still want to play, you can find the list of blanks for which you will supply words at the bottom of the page. The number for each blank will help you substitute them correctly.
* * *
A Portrait of the Artist Who, According to Apocryphal Stories, Would Sit in His Closet for Hours on End with a Bottle of Alcohol and a Typewriter, Typing and Laughing Maniacally.
Once upon a time and a very [1] time it was there was a [2][3] coming down along the [4] and this [2][3] that was coming down along the [4] [5] a [6] [7] [8] named baby [9]...
He was baby [9]. The [2][3] came down the [4] where [10] [11]: she [12] [13].
[14 Include at least one line of lyrics]
* * *
1. Adjective
2. Animal Sound
3. Animal that makes #2
4. Noun
5. Past tense verb
6. Adjective made into a baby talk
7. Adjective
8. Noun
9. Any silly name your parents might have called you as a baby
10. Alliterative name of well known person
11. Past tense verb
12. past tense verb
13. Plural noun
14. Lullabye from childhood
* * *
PS. Everyone's Irish today, right? What's your story when someone asks you how Irish you are?
PPS. How drunk are you right now?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
'Scuse me while I kiss this guy.
Sing us a song, but change one word to alter the meaning.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Et tu, Brute?
Today is the ides of March. What strange omen did you come across in the past few days and what do you think it portends for today?
Nothing strange happened to you? Make it up!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Albert Einstein was born on this day in 1879. It is also pi day, thanks to this man. In honor of these two events, please turn the word EINSTEIN and/or the words PI DAY into an acronym.
It is also the one month birthday of ipost | upost. Thanks to all the uposters and please keep spreading the word.
PS. Easter came early. Find the egg.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
You crazy for this one, Rick!
Danger Mouse's The Grey Album is a mash-up of The Beatles and Jay-Z's The Black Album. What albums would you like to hear mixed together and what would the resulting mix be called?
Musical knowledge is not required. Just post any albums you think would sound good together. Extra points for clever titles.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Rip-Off Wednesday #2: You heard it here second!
On Rip-Off Wednesdays, I steal someone else's idea and translate it into an ipost.
For Rip-Off Wednesday #2, please post something ridiculous you can remember overhearing in your own fair city ala overheardinnewyork.com. Feel free to create a humorous title for your sound bite and note where you heard it.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
You + Me = Us
Please post a math equation using words instead of numbers.
Example: ipost + upost = "an interactive art project"
Yes, I know that's a lame example. You can do better.
* * *
If you would like to find the original story for yesterday's Mad Libs post, see A Duty Dance with Mad Libs Mondays. Feel free to post your completed Mad Lib with all the substituted words in place in the comments section.
Monday, March 10, 2008
A Duty Dance with Mad Libs Mondays
Every Monday, I will post a mad libs list, which you can respond to by posting a comment with the appropriate words. Below, you will find the original story and where your words should be substituted for the originals. If you still want to play, you can find the list of blanks for which you will supply words at the bottom of the page. The number for each blank will help you substitute them correctly. Make sure your words are awesome.
* * *
Slaughterhouse-[1] not by Kurt Vonnegut
All this happened, more or less. The [2] parts, anyway, are pretty much true. One guy I know really was [3] in [4] for [5 in present continuous form (end with "ing")] a [6] that wasn’t his. Another guy I knew really did threaten to have his [7] [8] [9] by hired [10] after the [2] ... [11].
[12] aren’t supposed to [13] [14]. I’m certainly not going to do it anymore.
I’ve [15] my [2] book now. After I finish my [16], the next one I [17] is going to be [18].
This one is a [19], and had to be, since it was [Past tense of 17] by a pillar of [20]. It begins like this:
[22] has come [23] in [Plural of 24].
It ends like this:
* * *
1. Number
2. Event
3. Past-tense verb
4. City where #2 could have taken place
5. Past-tense verb
6. Noun
7. Adjective
8. Plural noun
9. Past-tense verb
10. Plural noun
11. Expression people say when they hear about a death
12. Plural noun
13. Verb
14. Direction
15. Past-tense verb
16. Personal project or task, eg. novel, taxes, kazoo lesson
17. Verb
18. Adjective
19. Descriptive noun, negative connotation
20. Noun
21. Command
22. Well-known name
23. Past-tense verb you have made up but still might make sense to a reader
24. Noun
25. Animal sound
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Time is on my side. Yes it is.
What would you do if you had that one hour back?
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Kavalier and Clay on the Brain
What would you make your golem out of and what would it save you from?
Friday, March 7, 2008
Please post a haiku in which all the verbs and nouns feature double letters.
No, nevermind...just post a regular old haiku. Bonus points if you can do the double letters.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Neverending Story
It's collaborative story time. Please continue the story below by posting one sentence at a time, attempting to create one continuous plot. Today, we will use Poe's "The Raven" as a jumping-off point. From there, it is wonderful if our story diverges wildly from the original, ie. it does not rhyme or mention a raven. The story should never end, but if it reaches a natural settling point, maybe it's time for a new chapter.
Please refresh the page shortly before you post to make sure nobody has beat you to the next sentence. Post hastily! The only rule is that you may not post 2 sentences in a row. Our story begins here:
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore - while I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Rip-Off Wednesday #1: The Joy of Six
On Rip-Off Wednesdays, I steal someone else's idea and translate it into an ipost.
For Rip-Off Wednesday #1, please post your own six-word memoir. Don't worry. We won't hold you to it (ie. it's not going on your headstone), so feel free to post whatever comes to mind first. You may also, as always, post more than once.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I Feel Bad For You, Son
Jay-Z has 99 problems. How many do you have? List a few of them.
* * *
If you would like to find the original story for yesterday's Mad Libs post, see Mad Libs Mondays Got To Get Paid, Son. Feel free to post your completed Mad Lib with all the substituted words in place in the comments section.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Mad Libs Mondays Got To Get Paid, Son
Every Monday, I will post a mad libs list, which you can respond to by posting a comment with the appropriate words. Below, you will find the original story and where your words should be substituted for the originals. If you still want to play, you can find the list of blanks for which you will supply words at the bottom of the page. The number for each blank will help you substitute them correctly.
* * *
[1]'s [2 + st, nd, rd, or st] Soliloquy by Bill S.
To [3], or not to [3]: that is the [4]:
Whether 'tis [5] in the [6] to [7]
The [8] and [9] of [10] [11],
Or to [12] [13] against a sea of [14],
And by opposing end them? To [15]: to [16]...
To [16] perchance to [17]: ay, there's the rub;
For in that [18] of [19] what [20] may come...
* * *
1. Well-known troubled person
2. Number
3. Verb
4. Noun with a negative connotation
5. Adjective ending in “er”
6. Noun
7. Verb
8. Plural Noun
9. Plural Noun
10. Adjective
11. Noun
12. Verb
13. Plural noun
14. Plural noun with a negative connotation
15. Verb
16. Verb
17. Verb
18. Try to turn the verb from #16 into a noun
19. Try to turn the verb from #15 into a noun
20. Try to turn the verb from #17 into a noun
Sunday, March 2, 2008
How far will ten bucks get me?
Please post your best taxi cab story told as a play-by-play, taking into consideration the state you were in at the time of the cab ride, ie. in a hurry, drunk, giving birth, etc.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Bleepity Bleep
Please post your favorite curse word and (optional) create a new use for it.